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GPS Security Alert App

The app with millions of handy uses

The Most Powerful Tool Ever Created For Law Enforcement, Personal Security,
Crime And Terror Prevention, & Millions Of Handy Uses Rolled Together In One
It's all eyes on safety and crime prevention turned on everywhere there are smartphones.
The GPS Security Alert App may be the most influential app of our times in law enforcement with everything happening in the world today.
It is poised to be the number one personal security alert app, crime-prevention app, terror-prevention app, and multi-purpose GPS location ID app all in one.
It has millions of handy personal uses for everyone who likes GPS location ID included with messaging.
Everyone on smartphones can have access to law enforcement with ONE TOUCH with the benefit of GPS location ID. 
There are a million handy uses for messaging on smartphones with GPS location ID.
This app in the hands of the people can connect citizens with law enforcement on any number of issues.
It happens with the touch of a button and with GPS location ID to report crime, criminals, and everything related to crime prevention.  
In the climate of sanctuary cities, this app can serve local law enforcement officers, ICE agents, Homeland Security, Border Patrol, RESCUE operations, and more to communicate and coordinate together EITHER ON OR OFF the grid from personal smartphones with GPS location ID. 
How often have you wanted to know the exact location of a friend or a family member or a landmark or even the "where-abouts" of a delivery in process?
How convenient would it be to have exact GPS location ID INTEGRATED into real-time messaging?
Would that be you and seven billion other people on the globe?
But, that's not all.
Our plan is to deliver on a promise of making the mother of all alert apps with the latest and most desirable features.
It starts with a "catastrophic alert".  
A catastrophic alert is one that everyone in the area would want to know about.
It could be a local shooter, a car pile-up on a local interstate, or a tornado in the middle of the night when everyone is sleeping.
The catastrophic alerts notifies local law enforcement as well as subscribers in the local area concerning the description of an event and the exact GPS location ID.
A volume control setting on the app puts the user in charge for alerts received. There is a standard volume setting as well as the "mother of all alerts".
The "mother of all alerts" is said to even awaken a giant in a dead sleep.
With the GPS Security Alert, everyone you would like to notify in the event of an emergency can now be instantly notified at the touch of a button on your smartphone.
This includes exact GPS location ID and full messaging capability integrated together as one. 
Law enforcement can also message local subscribers with exact alerts, notifications, and instructions in the event of an emergency.
The GPS Security Alert also includes motion alerts.
A quick jarring of a phone initiates a motion alert which in-turn initiates a call.
The motion alert is a great feature for seniors. It can initiate a call for help in the event of a fall.
Once the phone is jarred, it will sound an alert to let the subscriber know that a call will be made to a pre-selected emergency response contact.
If the call is not cancelled within ninety seconds, the call will be made.
Here's another purpose for a motion alert. Parents can receive an alert when teens are texting while driving.
What other ways could you use motion alert?
The GPS Security App also includes a non-motion alert.
When the phone is not moved within a certain time-frame, it can also initiate a call.
Motion alerts and non-motion alerts are both handy features which come with GPS location ID.
Among the world's greatest concerns, the threat of terror takes a huge toll on economies, emotions, and tax-dollars everywhere.
Surveillance costs are up in the hundreds of billions of dollars within the U.S. alone and costs are far more world-wide.
The GPS Security Alert App provides collective power when the eyes and ears of safety can be turned on everywhere there are smartphones.
Just consider how many lives can be saved!
How much safer can entire communities and nations be when the eyes and the ears of safety are turned on everywhere there are smartphones?
The GPS Security Alert App provides new and unprecedented options for people everywhere to communicate with a new constructive purpose. 
The GPS Security Alert App also provides many of other uses too.
Start with timely and effective:  
  • Crime prevention and crime reporting

  • Reporting of terror plots & terrorist activity

  • Reporting of man-made disasters

  • Reporting of natural disasters (i.e. tornadoes, earth quakes, fires, etc.)

  • Personal security

  • Emergency response notification

  • Family communication and family security with location ID

  • Roadside emergency assistance

  • Location ID for accurate and timely deliveries

  • Lost and found location ID

  • Fall notifications with location ID

  • Search and rescue tracking

  • Medical emergency alerts with exact location ID

  • Road accident reporting

  • Road rage reporting

  • Erratic driver location ID

  • Domestic abuse reporting 

  • Wanted criminal location ID

  • Hunter geographic location ID

  • Fisherman geographic location ID

  • Drug addiction client location ID

  • Employee location ID

  • Traveler location ID

  • Commercial driver location ID

  • Trouble spot GPS location ID

The GPS Security Alert App provides a full array of communication features on smartphones with GPS location ID integrated conveniently into the messaging.  

Law enforcement agencies and the public have never had it so good with GPS location ID which is fast, efficient, and precise. 


The functionality of this app is sure to be a global win for all.

In curbing the threats of crime and terror, police cannot be everywhere. There is only so much law enforcement agencies can do financially and physically to be there.
The costs of surveillance are many hundreds of billions of U.S. dollars. 
When police departments are understaffed and underfunded, this can be an easy solution . There's a new and far more comprehensive surveillance. It is the largest ever. It's everyone on smartphones with GPS location ID in real-time.
There is nothing better for keeping communities safe than when the eyes and the ears of safety can be turned on 24/7 everywhere there are smartphones.
In the event of a major crisis, this can be a life-saver.
Everyone can feel safer with the GPS Security Alert App on smartphones everywhere.
Crime prevention surveillance and terror prevention surveillance can now be everywhere there are people with smartphones. 
Why now?
Terror, crime, illegal immigration, sanctuary city crimes, and other disasters have become a large concern everywhere.  
Could the GPS Security Alert App save us from most costly events? Could it save us from the mother of all crimes?
How many lives can be saved and how much costs can be saved with the eyes and hears of safety turned on among smartphone users everywhere?
There are many other very practical uses for it too.
Market Size:
There is a U.S. population of 322 million people. Of those, most every life can be impacted favorably with the practical use of GPS location ID. It could come in handy daily, weekly, and monthly. It could also be considered more than handy. It could become essential as an aid several times each year. 
There's also a whole world of people with smartphones who could appreciate GPS location ID for every personal reason as well as for crime and terror prevention.
What could be more helpful to law enforcement than GPS location ID with everyone on smartphones?
There is no other app within this space we've seen which offers the depth and scope of advancements built within this app. 
This app is a leader in consumer friendly uses as well as local, national, and personal security combined.
The Business Model:
The GPS Security Alert App is a five-day free download.
Upgrade subscriptions are as follows:
- $5 for a one-year subscription
- $10 for a single three-year subscription
- $15 for a pair of two three-year subscriptions (two phone numbers - sender and receiver) i.e. This could be a husband - wife team.
- $25 for a group of five subscriptions for three years (family plan or group with up to five phone numbers) 
* 15% of all proceeds are donated to Law Enforcement
Event coordinators can offer this as a perfect "give-away" at the start of every large event. 
Every largest event in the nation can be covered with the largest surveillance tool ever created on smartphones.
Twenty percent of subscription profits can be paid to those entities which embrace and promote this app. They can profit from every signup and every referral signup which happens from their tracking link which tells us where subscription profits came from. (More on that below.) 
We see the "low-hanging" of promotion being the national law enforcement organizations. 
- The National Associations of Police Chiefs, Police Organizations, and Sheriffs, etc. 
Law enforcement agencies want more funds for law enforcement. Law enforcement officials from every community can promotes this app to raise funds for their department while making their communities safer. 
The best kind of advertising is free advertising which police chiefs receive from public announcements in their local newspapers, radio stations, and television stations. 
This kind of advertising can serve communities nationwide while making them safer. They can also be economically stronger by employing the largest surveillance system ever conceived. It's the eyes and ears of safety turned on everywhere there are smartphones.
We also work with and allocate money from our advertising budget to support every community police department promoting this app. Everyone wins.
Sources for paid for and free advertising:
- Facebook
- Newspapers
- Television
- Radio
- Proximity beacons
- Word of mouth advertising
- Tell-a-friend feature 
- Facebook like button
This is an introduction to our business model.
The Product: 
The first question asked when setting up the GPS Security Alert App is who do you want contacted in case of an emergency?
There is an option to program one or more law enforcement agencies into the app or any person or persons of choice for emergency response.
This technology utilizes the latest 9-1-1 messaging to law enforcement as well as peer to peer broadcasting for special local alerts.
It's one touch convenience for reaching help fast including GPS location ID.
The GPS Security Alert App can be programmed to reach anyone on the smartphone contact list with full messaging capabilities along with GPS location ID attached to every message.  
The GPS Security Alert App serves the needs of individuals wanting quick access to law enforcement or to reach any other source in record time for any reason.
It could be for personal concern, local concern, or stopping something big of huge national interest.
GPS location ID is vital. 
Mark Dean is the design-creator of the GPS Security Alert App. 
Paul Schneider is National Programs Director for App Builder Direct. He directs the team of senior software engineers who will build the app.
These two industry leaders and their network of acquaintances have put together a world-class team of highly capable professionals regarding Facebook Marketing, video production, Traditional Marketing, Digital Marketing, High-converting sales funnels, etc.
Our Investor Partner/s will have opportunity to know first-hand the details of this very capable team. ​
Pricing with full data-base programming
To construct this app with non-exclusive license rights is $100K.
A tracking link is available for a one-time set-up cost of $1000 for every organization, city, country, state, district, province, and nation having a desire to promote the app.
Should there be interest in a unique branded version of the GPS Security Alert App, there is a one-time set-up charge of $7000.
Just below find examples of possible branded versions:
- The U.S. Homeland Security GPS Alert App
- The NATO Alliance Security GPS Alert App
- The United Kingdom GPS Security Alert App
- The GPS Security Alert App of France
- The Houston County GPS Security Alert App
- City of Phoenix GPS Security Alert App
The GPS Security Alert App may be the greatest tool ever made for having the eyes and the ears of safety turned on to make the world safer. 
It's the power of everyone on smartphones.
This is the GPS Security Alert App, a win-win for all.
For more contact:  
Mark Dean
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